happy easter

We from the sponsorship group Koenigshuette (kings’ hut) Bad Lauterberg e.V.  wish you, dear visitors to our website, happy Easter holidays in good health.

the Easter-decorated fountain in the small spa gardens of Bad Lauterberg - 2022

Guided tours start again

guided tour - looking into the machine factory

We have some good news for you: This month the guided tours start again, we are in the winter half year with guided tours on the second and fourth tuesday of the month, the first guided tour in March will take place on March, 8.

Our volunteer guide, Mr. Thomas Böttcher, is looking forward to welcoming you on this Tuesday as usual at 3 pm at the cottage fountain. And ... during the tour of the grounds … there will also be a look inside the foundry building and the machine factory again, as well as a tour of the South Harz Ironworks-Museum.

We from the Friends look forward to seeing you, dear visitors.

guided tour is canceled

We regret to inform you that due to the current Corona situation and its current ordinance, the guided tour on December 14 (2021) is cancelled. If the guided tour that was scheduled for December 28th can take place, we will inform you about it, via our website, via Facebook and the local press in a timely manner. - We will also inform you in a timely manner about how the tours will take place in the new year (2022).

We from the board of the sponsorship group kings’ hut wish you a pleasant Advent and Christmas season.


*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

No guided tours at the moment

Due to the current Corona situation and the decreed winter hibernation that is about to be extended, we on the board have decided not to offer guided tours. This is to protect you and our members who normally guide you around the grounds and through the ‘Südharzer Eisenhüttenmuseum’, the South Harz ironworks museum. As a small compensation we have worked out a virtual tour of the site, you can find it under the tab 'Ensemble' and there under 'Tour'. In addition to the tour with a view of the individual buildings of the ensemble, there is also an insight into the foundry building and the machine factory as well as a tour through the museum. The tour was intentionally not created as a slide show, so you can look at the photos at your leisure. There are short explanations to each photo, in German and in English.

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News after the general meeting on Octobre23, 2021

Certificate for the first right of mining, which was awarded to the city of Lutterbeck (the ancient name of Bad Lauterberg) in 1521

Last Saturday, October 23, our general meeting took place at ‘Hotel Riemann’ in Bad Lauterberg. Last year, the general meeting had to be cancelled due to corona. In the morning, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist guided interested people through the exhibition on mining history - 500 years of mining freedom in the Lutterberg area (today Bad Lauterberg) - in the local history museum of Bad Lauterberg. The exhibition had been opened in the course of the festive week celebrating the 200th birthday of Sebastian Kneipp and 500 years of mining history at the beginning of September; the exhibition can still be visited until the end of November. Seven interested people listened to the explanations of Mr. Hillegeist. Among other things, they could see a model of the Lutterberg castle which was on the local mountain named Hausberg, a model of a tunnel with a water sewer, many photos of mining relics around Bad Lauterberg and old cracks, as well as drawings by Mr. Kießling, who is able to put himself in the time of the 15th and 16th century in a drawing and to translate it as if he had experienced the events himself.

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