guided tour is canceled

We regret to inform you that due to the current Corona situation and its current ordinance, the guided tour on December 14 (2021) is cancelled. If the guided tour that was scheduled for December 28th can take place, we will inform you about it, via our website, via Facebook and the local press in a timely manner. - We will also inform you in a timely manner about how the tours will take place in the new year (2022).

We from the board of the sponsorship group kings’ hut wish you a pleasant Advent and Christmas season.


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News after the general meeting on Octobre23, 2021

Certificate for the first right of mining, which was awarded to the city of Lutterbeck (the ancient name of Bad Lauterberg) in 1521

Last Saturday, October 23, our general meeting took place at ‘Hotel Riemann’ in Bad Lauterberg. Last year, the general meeting had to be cancelled due to corona. In the morning, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist guided interested people through the exhibition on mining history - 500 years of mining freedom in the Lutterberg area (today Bad Lauterberg) - in the local history museum of Bad Lauterberg. The exhibition had been opened in the course of the festive week celebrating the 200th birthday of Sebastian Kneipp and 500 years of mining history at the beginning of September; the exhibition can still be visited until the end of November. Seven interested people listened to the explanations of Mr. Hillegeist. Among other things, they could see a model of the Lutterberg castle which was on the local mountain named Hausberg, a model of a tunnel with a water sewer, many photos of mining relics around Bad Lauterberg and old cracks, as well as drawings by Mr. Kießling, who is able to put himself in the time of the 15th and 16th century in a drawing and to translate it as if he had experienced the events himself.

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Handover of donations from the Bad Lauterberger festival week '500 years right of mining and 200 years of Sebastian Kneipp' on October 1, 2021

On October 1st (2021) the support group Koenigshuette (king’s hut) received two donation checks in the run-up to the board meeting. One is income from the reading of crime novels from the Harz-mountains, which had taken place on September 7 at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette). The authors Gabriele Bock, Helmut Exner, Ruediger Glaesser, Corinna Klengel, Barbara Merten, Hans-Joachim Wildner as well as the publisher had waived their fees, the bookstore had sold the tickets without charge. In this process, € 720 had been collected. The ladies of the sewing group Bad Lauterberg also had a donation check with them; it showed the sum of € 751. This sum was collected through the sale of self-sewn articles of all kinds, but also through the sale of drinks and pretzels, on the reading of the crime novels and on the Open Monument Day. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist, the chairman of our sponsoring group, thanked the bringers of the checks and acknowledged their commitment.

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from left side: Volker Pursch (advisory board), Klaus Wolf (advisory board), Renate Dittmar (sponsorship group), Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist (chairman), Fritz Dittmar (trasurer), Christian Muehl (deputy chairman), Hans-Joachim Wildner (advisory board) 

from left side: Monika Wildner (sponsorship group and member of the sewing group Bad Lauterberg), Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist (chairmen), Fritz Dittmar (trasurer)

65 years at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette) are worth celebrating

On October 8 (2021), there was an anniversary to celebrate at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette). Because on October 8, 1956, 65 years ago, Horst Lehmann started working at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette).  In 1960, he and his wife Alice – they have already celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary - were assigned two rooms in the residential building that still exists today, which they had to make livable themselves. For example, Horst Lehmann carried out excavation work and insulation on the outer wall of the house so that the water from the cottage ditch did not press into the house. Today they live in the whole house. As long as he and his wife could, they kept chickens and rabbits; between 1970 and 1980, among other animals, there were 75 rabbits - ten years ago, there were 55 animals, including 25 rabbits. Both Horst Lehmann and his wife worked at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette), Horst Lehmann in the foundry until the company ceased operations in 2001. His three sons also worked at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette) for a time, two of them did their training at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette) and two remained loyal to the king’s hut (Koenigshuette) until the company ceased operations in 2001.

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Cinema evening at the king’s hut (Koenigshuette) – a review

it says: central light games - cinema world - 'Herzberg at the Harz mountains' presents: 

On Friday evening, September 24, 2021, there was a movie night at the Koenigshuette (king’s hut) in Bad Lauterberg. It was planned as an open-air event, but in view of the weather forecast it was moved to the fettling shop, a section in the foundry building. Already in the morning, the set-up took place, ‘Kinowelt Herzberg’ (cinema world of Herzberg) brought the equipment for the cinema evening and chairs were set up. Before the film 'the pretty big dream' startet, there was at 7:30 p.m. a short  guided tour - owed to the late hour, which makes some stumbling blocks of the premises invisible. For the film itself, the 3G rules applied, even if it was no longer mandatory at this point due to the Corona location, but safety first. The ladies from the sewing group called ‘Naehtreff’ supplied the visitors with drinks - including wine and sparkling wine, and also with pretzels and - as befits a cinema evening - popcorn to satisfy the small appetite.

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