Königshütte now has a new page on the Internet Smartphone users can record new QR codes on the buildings located on the site of the industrial monument.

The Förderkreis Königshütte Bad Lauterberg has a new Internet presence that can be displayed on all devices. Screenshot

HK / Bad Lauterberg, HK (HK means newspaper named 'Harzkurier')

Bad Lauterberg.  The association 'Förderkreis Königshütte revised the Internet appearance for the association of the industrial monument of Bad Lauterberg. It was about time to "adapt it to the current requirements. This included a new outfit, and the new website should always look the same (good way) - regardless of whether it is called up on a desktop PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone," the association announced. "There should also be an English version so that the website can be read and understood worldwide. The new Internet address is: www.koenigshuette-badlauterberg.de.

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QR-Codes lead online through the Königshütte

Members of the Förderkreis der Königshütte attaching the QR Code labels
Members of the Förderkreis der Königshütte attaching the QR Code labels

With the help of QR codes and a new website, the Bad Lauterberg Königshütte can also be experienced by visitors outside of guided tours.

The new website of the royal hut at https://www.koenigshuette-badlauterberg.de is optimized for mobile devices and can therefore be used well on site with the smartphone. In addition to this, the Förderkreis der Königshütte has attached so-called QR codes to the buildings of the historical ensemble: if one photographs these rectangular codes, the smartphone recognizes the Internet address encoded in them and guides the user directly to the page on which the building in question is described. In this way, a self-determined tour of the Königshütte with a lot of historical information is possible. All texts are available in both German and English.

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Board of Directors and Advisory Board

Executive board

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist

Deputy chairman
Christian Mühl

Gudrun Grzyb

Joachim Gruppe

Advisory board

Eberhard Ließmann

Klaus Wolf

Samantha Wolf

Marlis Grulich

Hans-Jürgen Grulich

Christian Lehmann