we wish merry christmas and a happy new year 2024

fountain of the kings’ hut with (from the right) machine factory and iron magazine in the background  (foto from: Gudrun Grzyb)


We, the members of the board and advisory board of the support circle Kings’ hut (Koenigshuette) Bad Lauterberg registered association wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024.

The year that is drawing to a close had its ups and downs for our association. One of the highlights was the 40th anniversary celebration of the support circle on November 4, which involved a lot of voluntary work, donations from the Bad Lauterberg business community and also from our members made the celebration a success. The celebration took place in the spa hall in Bad Lauterberg and we were able to welcome almost 100 people. The two presentations - on the history of the Koenigshuette and the support circle and on iron ore mining in the Lauterberg mining district - were very well received and met with great interest. The two lectures can be read in a commemorative publication. We reported on the festive event.

The regulars' table - every first Thursday of the month - is very popular, unfortunately non-members rarely attend.

Our guided tours went well. We have received positive feedback. There were 60 guided tours up to the end of October, with 814 visitors. The International Museum Day in May and the Open Monument Day in September 2023 were also very well attended. We had glorious weather on both days, which contributed to the success of the events. In addition, the show casting and the stands with craftsmen attracted a great deal of interest. A number of children and young people also took part in the information-rally or searched for and found the lost magic ring with the ‘Brockenbande’, a group of girls and boys and a tame raven who help children to solve riddles in a lot of cities.

The renovation of the machine factory is also progressing, the funding has been approved, the building application has been granted and discussions are currently underway with our architect and structural engineer.

The number of members is falling slightly, but with two fewer members than a year ago, it is manageable. Several members have left for reasons of age.

Now our association year comes to an end. We look to the future with optimism, and we hope that many visitors will continue to come to the kings’ hut (Koenigshuette) industrial monument in 2024. The first registrations for special guided tours have already been received for the coming year.

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south harz ironworks museum on december 20th, 2023       (foto from Klaus Wolf, member of the support circle)

Festive event to mark 40 years of the support group kings’ hut Bad Lauterberg registered association (“Foerderkreis Koenigshuette Bad Lauterberg e.V.”) on November 4th 2023

the South Harz brass quartet loosend up the atmosphere

Festive event to mark 40 years of the support group kings’ hut Bad Lauterberg registered association

Just over a week ago, on November 4th, 2023, the support group kings’ hut Bad Lauterberg registered association (“Foerderkreis Koenigshuette Bad Lauterberg e.V.”) celebrated its 40th anniversary in the Kursaal in Bad Lauterberg for around 90 people. Admission was from 2.30 pm. The guests were welcomed with sparkling wine, orange juice, finger food and ... music from the south harz  brass quartett under the direction of Mr. Walter Ziegler and were then able to sign the guest book of the support group.  At 3 p.m., our first chairman, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist, welcomed the guests and reported on the beginnings and intentions of the support group. This was followed by words of welcome from the Deputy District Administrator, Mr. Sebastian Bornmann, and the Mayor of Bad Lauterberg, Mr. Rolf Lange. Both praised the activities of the support group and highlighted its successes. Further greetings came from friendly associations such as the borderland-museum Bad Sachsa, but also from association member Professor Dr. Reinhard Döpp. Professor Dr. Döpp turned to  90 this year, is also a board member of an ironworks in Ennepetal and actively supports the work of the support group kings’ hut  association with his wealth of experience. He always travels to Bad Lauterberg by train.

Following the words of welcome, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist presented the certificates of honour - three people were honored by him for 40 years of membership, they joined the association shortly after it was founded. A certificate was received by her son due to the age of the person being honored. This was followed by three certificates for members who have belonged to the association for 30 years and a certificate for 25 years of membership. Not all of the honorees were present to receive their certificates in person; these certificates were sent out during the week.
This was followed by a photographic presentation on the subject of "The kings’ hut  and 40 years of the support group", given by our first chairman, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist. He reported on the history of the kings’ hut, how the support group was founded in 1983, on the renovation of the former tasting house, i.e. the former ironworks laboratory, of the kings’ hut, which was converted into the  south harz ironwork museum ('Suedharzer Eisenhuettenmuseum') and given to the association on a hereditary lease, but also on the activities of the support group over the past 40 years. The support group was founded on December 3, 1983.
During special mentions, after the welcoming speeches, after the presentation of honorary certificates and before the second presentation of photographs, excellently selected pieces of music, played by the south harz  brass quartett under the direction of Mr. Walter Ziegler, lightened the atmosphere.
This was followed by a photographic presentation by member Dr. Wilfried Ließmann on the history of ironstone mining around Bad Lauterberg. One of the reasons why the kings’ hut near Lauterberg – at that time called Lutterberg - was built was the iron ore mines.

Our second chairman, Mr. Christian Mühl, thanked the audience for the two interesting presentations and reported from his perspective on the support group and the achievements of our first chairman, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist. He presented Mr. Hillegeist with his honorary certificate for 40 years of membership in the association and also paid tribute to his work as first chairman of the association, which he has headed for 30 years. 

Aside from that Mr. Mühl thanked the sponsors from the Bad Lauterberg business community and members of the support group for their numerous donations, which made this festive event possible.

Mr. Mühl thanked our secretary, Ms. Gudrun Grzyb. She painstakingly accompanied the creation of the commemorative publication, which was completed just in time and was hot off the press, so to speak. Another special thank you went to Mrs. Marlis Grulich, who welcomed the arriving guests, pointed them to the guest book and asked them to sign there. Ms. Grulich also sold the commemorative publication. Last but not least, special thanks went to Mr. Joachim Gruppe, who took excellent care of the technology used.

Finally, Mr. Hillegeist thanked all guests for coming, as well as the members of the association who had contributed to the success of the event. He also highlighted the club members who had contributed to the success of the event in advance.

Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist (Chairman) during his talk about the kings’ hut (Koenigshuette) and 40 years of the support group.

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open monument day 2023

The Königshütte (kings hut) Industrial Monument is also opening the doors to its buildings again, and during the guided tours reference is made to the history of the Königshütte (kings hut), but also to that of the region, which is inextricably linked to it. For the people of the region, Königshütte (kings hut) has been the largest employer for almost 300 years.

The Königshütte (kings hut) offers guided tours starting at 11 a.m., they take place every 90 minutes. Before the actual start of the Open Monument Day, the sponsoring group offers a church service, in the tradition of the miners who took the ironstone out of the mountain for the Königshütte (kings hut). The miners began their day with an intercession to God to protect them in their dangerous work. Musical accompaniment for the service will be provided by the Südharzer Bläserquartett (horn quartett south harz).

Starting at 2 p.m., the sponsoring group, which is dedicated to the industrial monument, will offer show casting. With the help of aluminium casting, the casting process can be simulated, and participation is expressly encouraged. For children and young people, there will be puzzles and discovery tours, each of which will be rewarded with a small prize. The material for this is available at the hut tavern.

From 11 a.m. coffee and cake and cold drinks for the big thirst will be served in the hut tavern. From about 12 o'clock there will be hearty food in the form of steak and sausages, in front of the iron magazine. From 2 p.m. there will be musical accompaniment by barrel organ music. A lady will demonstrate how sheep's wool was spun in the past (and still is). And otherwise - let yourself be surprised.

during a tour in front of the mill

Open Monument Day 2023 - Review

The Day of the Open Monument has been satisfactory for us, the promotion circle of the kings’ hut. It began with an open-air service, for the musical accompaniment could be won the Suedharzer Blaeser-Quartett (south Harz brass quartet).

At 11 o'clock the official part began: Several exhibitors could be won, so had come: Mrs. Ilona Ecke, she demonstrated the art of spinning, with the hand spindle and with the spinning wheel and showed some products made from it. For example, caps made by needle binding - an ancient technique that can be traced back to the Middle Stone Age (10 000 years BC). In Germany this technique was used about until 1550, but unfortunately it is almost forgotten today. As a further exhibitor we could win a chair weaver with Ulrich Genehr, the THW showed, where it is to be used everywhere, Mrs. Seyfert and helpers: inside of the family center Manyways gave the one or other visitor, large or small, (non permanent) tattoos. Of course, our show castering with Mr. Nehmke (90 years) and his crew have come  again. Mr. Hänsel had set up some of his artworks, in one of them there was a vending machine filled with little things that children were very happy about. For the younger ones there was also the possibility to participate in riddle tours, about 15 children took part and were happy about a certificate (riddle tour with the Brocken Gang) or a mineral piece (information rally).
The guided tours were well attended, about 90 people took part, in total about 120 people came to the industrial monument Koenigshuette (kings’ hut). Even from the USA a visitor came, she is currently visiting her parents in Bad Lauterberg, but also from the south of Germany visitors came to the Koenigshuette (kings’ hut).  
At the end of the day cakes as well as steaks and sausages were sold.
Petrus was also well-disposed towards us from the promotion circle, the exhibitors had been given shady places or sun protection (pavilion or parasol) so that they could survive the day unscathed.

during show casting

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Planning of the sponsoring group

In July, there was an extraordinary general meeting of the support group. It took place - as before - at the Hotel Riemann in Bad Lauterberg. The general meeting had become necessary because on the one hand the regular new elections had to take place, on the other hand our treasurer had resigned for health reasons from her position and the treasurer's post was vacant. In the meantime, we have a new treasurer in Mr. Joachim Gruppe. In the past month, he has familiarized himself with the documents that were handed over to him in the run-up to the extraordinary general meeting. The powers of attorney with the banks have also been clarified, so that he can start with his work.

Two events are currently being planned by the Association, on the one hand are the activities for the Open Monument Day on September 10. This year this day is celebrated for the 30th time, the motto is 'Talent Monument'. The day will start at the kings’ hut industrial monument at 10 am with a church service and musical accompaniment. The plans are running. As in previous years, there will be guided tours starting at 11 a.m., providing a glimpse or two behind the facades of the buildings. The tours start every 90 minutes, meeting point is the smelter fountain. - Speaking of guided tours: on August 8, there was the 750th public tour of the grounds of the kings’ hut industrial monument and through the southern Harz iron works museum.  Food and drink will also be provided on the Open Monument Day, with coffee, cake and cold drinks in the ironworks tavern and grilled food and a hearty beer in front of the iron magazine. - The first exhibitors have already confirmed. From 2 p.m. there will again be musical accompaniment with music from the barrel organ, further exhibitors, which also take into account the historical ambience, will be requested. For children and young people there will again be an information rally, for some of the questions it is useful to participate in one of the guided tours. And ... the Brocken Gang invites children to search for a lost magic ring that Susie Salas - she lived at the kings’ hut as a child once has lost there. Participation in the guided tour is not required to answer these questions.

The second event is for the support group itself. Founded on December 3, 1983, it can look back on its 40th anniversary this year. This is to be celebrated naturally duly, namely on 4 November in the course hall of Bad Lauterberg. The preparations for this are just starting. As soon as more details are known, we will report on it.

Overview shot of the industrial monument kings’ hut (Koenigshuette) – below in the picture the roof of the south harz iron hut museum, above the remaining residential building