No guided tours at the moment

Due to the current Corona situation and the decreed winter hibernation that is about to be extended, we on the board have decided not to offer guided tours. This is to protect you and our members who normally guide you around the grounds and through the ‘Südharzer Eisenhüttenmuseum’, the South Harz ironworks museum. As a small compensation we have worked out a virtual tour of the site, you can find it under the tab 'Ensemble' and there under 'Tour'. In addition to the tour with a view of the individual buildings of the ensemble, there is also an insight into the foundry building and the machine factory as well as a tour through the museum. The tour was intentionally not created as a slide show, so you can look at the photos at your leisure. There are short explanations to each photo, in German and in English.

However, we are not idle during this time without guided tours: behind the scenes we are working on the preparations for the renovation of the machine factory, there is a lot of work to be done in this context, work that is mostly invisible, precisely because it is going on behind the scenes.


*** Translated with (free version) ***

the hut tavern in winter - in the foreground - the hut fountain