Please click on the map to get information about a specific building:
- 1 Factoring
- 2 Shed
- 3 Iron store
- 4 Machinery factory
- 5 Hut tavern
- 6 Shed
- 7 Workers residential building
- 8 Formhouse
- 9 Foundry hall
- 10 Blast furnace hut
- 11 Rolling mill for wire
- 12 Rolling mill for bar iron
- 13 Coal shed
- 14 Slag pochwork
- 15 Two officials houses
- 16 Baking and tasting house (today Ironworks Museum)
- 17 Fresh smelter with steelworks
- 18 Coal shed
- 19 Sawmill
- 20 Also part of the Königshütte ensemble is the Scholmwehr bridge at the Bad Lauterberg spa gardens.