International Museum Day May 19, 2024

We in the Sponsoring Group have not been idle over the last few weeks; this year's general meeting was held around a month ago: 20 people found their way to the Hotel Riemann in Bad Lauterberg. After a presentation by our deputy chairman, Christian Mühl, on the long history and status of the renovation of the machine factory, the non-public part of the members' meeting began. One of the items on the agenda was the International Museum Day, which this year falls on Whit Sunday, May 19. This allowed our members to find out in advance what the organization team has already prepared for International Museum Day. Because on May 19, International Museum Day, the Sponsoring Group kings hut Bad Lauterberg  will once again be opening a number of doors to the kings’ hut  industrial monument. The day begins at 10 a.m. with an open-air church service, accompanied by the six ladies of the Harz Zitherhexen (harz mountains zither-witches). The guided tours are one of the centrepieces of the day: from 11 a.m. they start every 90 minutes at the ironworks fountain, and from the early afternoon 'our' show casters will demonstrate how iron was cast in the past - today, of course, aluminium is used. As a visitor, you can join in and take your work home with you. Craftsmen and women that we have been able to recruit from the organization team will be demonstrating their skills and there will be hands-on activities for children. And, of course, our visitors' physical well-being will also be catered for, with coffee and cake, barbecued food and, of course, a hearty beer. We have also been able to attract new musicians for the feast for the ears, such as the duo David & Heart, who will be playing country music. Hurdy-gurdy player Ullrich Schäfers will also be back with one of his instruments, and the musicians will alternate in their performances. Let yourself be surprised, there will be a colourful mix for young and old.  We look forward to your visit.


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