International Museum Day - 2023_05_21


guided tour in front of the machine factory

May 21 is International Museum Day. The 'Förderkreis Königshütte – support group kings hut - also invites you to the grounds of the industrial monument. We start at 10 a.m. with an open-air church service. Pastor Andreas Schmidt from the Paulus church congregation in the city of Bad Lauterberg will hold the service. He will be musically accompanied by Andreas Ziegler on the accordion.

Guided tours will be available every 90 minutes starting at 11 am.

Our volunteers will pick you up at the hut fountain. From 11 a.m. the hut café in the hut tavern is also open, here you can get homemade cakes, coffee, tea and drinks. From about 12 o'clock there will be a barbecue. From 2 p.m. barrel organ player Ulrich Schäfers from Göttingen will provide musical entertainment. At 2 p.m., our show casting will start again, a hands-on activity that always goes down well with young and old. The self-made castings are your souvenir of the day.

Starting at 11 a.m., children can also join the Brocken Gang, a group of four children and a crow,  in solving the mystery of Susie Salas' lost magic ring. Kids, let yourself be surprised.

There will be various exhibitors on the grounds, such as a beekeeper who will bring honey and products made from honey and beeswax. In the factoring house, the ladies from the sewing group will show their self-sewn products - from bags, cell phone cases, toys and more.