Festive event to mark 40 years of the support group kings’ hut Bad Lauterberg registered association (“Foerderkreis Koenigshuette Bad Lauterberg e.V.”) on November 4th 2023

the South Harz brass quartet loosend up the atmosphere

Festive event to mark 40 years of the support group kings’ hut Bad Lauterberg registered association

Just over a week ago, on November 4th, 2023, the support group kings’ hut Bad Lauterberg registered association (“Foerderkreis Koenigshuette Bad Lauterberg e.V.”) celebrated its 40th anniversary in the Kursaal in Bad Lauterberg for around 90 people. Admission was from 2.30 pm. The guests were welcomed with sparkling wine, orange juice, finger food and ... music from the south harz  brass quartett under the direction of Mr. Walter Ziegler and were then able to sign the guest book of the support group.  At 3 p.m., our first chairman, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist, welcomed the guests and reported on the beginnings and intentions of the support group. This was followed by words of welcome from the Deputy District Administrator, Mr. Sebastian Bornmann, and the Mayor of Bad Lauterberg, Mr. Rolf Lange. Both praised the activities of the support group and highlighted its successes. Further greetings came from friendly associations such as the borderland-museum Bad Sachsa, but also from association member Professor Dr. Reinhard Döpp. Professor Dr. Döpp turned to  90 this year, is also a board member of an ironworks in Ennepetal and actively supports the work of the support group kings’ hut  association with his wealth of experience. He always travels to Bad Lauterberg by train.

Following the words of welcome, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist presented the certificates of honour - three people were honored by him for 40 years of membership, they joined the association shortly after it was founded. A certificate was received by her son due to the age of the person being honored. This was followed by three certificates for members who have belonged to the association for 30 years and a certificate for 25 years of membership. Not all of the honorees were present to receive their certificates in person; these certificates were sent out during the week.
This was followed by a photographic presentation on the subject of "The kings’ hut  and 40 years of the support group", given by our first chairman, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist. He reported on the history of the kings’ hut, how the support group was founded in 1983, on the renovation of the former tasting house, i.e. the former ironworks laboratory, of the kings’ hut, which was converted into the  south harz ironwork museum ('Suedharzer Eisenhuettenmuseum') and given to the association on a hereditary lease, but also on the activities of the support group over the past 40 years. The support group was founded on December 3, 1983.
During special mentions, after the welcoming speeches, after the presentation of honorary certificates and before the second presentation of photographs, excellently selected pieces of music, played by the south harz  brass quartett under the direction of Mr. Walter Ziegler, lightened the atmosphere.
This was followed by a photographic presentation by member Dr. Wilfried Ließmann on the history of ironstone mining around Bad Lauterberg. One of the reasons why the kings’ hut near Lauterberg – at that time called Lutterberg - was built was the iron ore mines.

Our second chairman, Mr. Christian Mühl, thanked the audience for the two interesting presentations and reported from his perspective on the support group and the achievements of our first chairman, Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist. He presented Mr. Hillegeist with his honorary certificate for 40 years of membership in the association and also paid tribute to his work as first chairman of the association, which he has headed for 30 years. 

Aside from that Mr. Mühl thanked the sponsors from the Bad Lauterberg business community and members of the support group for their numerous donations, which made this festive event possible.

Mr. Mühl thanked our secretary, Ms. Gudrun Grzyb. She painstakingly accompanied the creation of the commemorative publication, which was completed just in time and was hot off the press, so to speak. Another special thank you went to Mrs. Marlis Grulich, who welcomed the arriving guests, pointed them to the guest book and asked them to sign there. Ms. Grulich also sold the commemorative publication. Last but not least, special thanks went to Mr. Joachim Gruppe, who took excellent care of the technology used.

Finally, Mr. Hillegeist thanked all guests for coming, as well as the members of the association who had contributed to the success of the event. He also highlighted the club members who had contributed to the success of the event in advance.

Mr. Hans-Heinrich Hillegeist (Chairman) during his talk about the kings’ hut (Koenigshuette) and 40 years of the support group.

Translated with DeepL